Mastodon: Writers' Coffee Club daily challenge September 2023

 Writers' Coffee Club

September 2023

Chapter 1: The Imposter

1. Intro: Shameless Self Promotion. Tell us about yourself, your published work or WIP.

2. On a scale of pantser to plotter, what are you? Are you flexible?

3. Is there one piece of well-known writing advice you ignore?

4. What's your beverage and snack of choice when writing?

5. Do you have an intended audience for your writing?

6. Do you hide easter eggs in your work? Give some examples?

7. Share an image of a favourite book cover design. Not your own.

8. Did you like to read as a child? Which books did you read?

9. Have you ever abandoned a writing project that wasn't working? What was wrong?

10. What are your thoughts on em dashes?

11. What's your top advice to an aspiring writer?

12. If you write novels, would you consider a short story, and vice versa?

13. Do you derive joy from writing? In what way?

14. Have you ever written about an ex-partner and changed their name in your story?

15. Which conjunctions do you use the most? Does it matter?

16. Do you have prologues in any of your writing? How do you feel about them?

17. How do you promote your writing?

18. What genres might you try if you wrote outside your chosen genres?

19. Do you suffer from imposter syndrome?

20. What fonts do you use for paperbacks or drafting/digital?

21. Have you practised your autograph and your selfie pose for your best seller?

22. Would you ever consider collaborating on a book?

23. Do you read your drafts aloud? How does this help?

24. What are your biggest bugbears with publishing?

25. What keeps you striving concerning your writing goals?

26. Have you used a MacGuffin in your writing? Be honest.

27. What's the strangest research you've done for your writing?

28. Do you practice "kill your darlings" in your work?

29. How do you format scene breaks in your writing?

30. What dumb things do people say when you tell them you're a writer?

Mastodon Writer's Coffee Club is created by John Howes ( with help from Shannon ( and Elektra (

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