Mastodon Writers' Coffee Club Daily Challenge September 2024

     Writers' Coffee Club

September 2024

Chapter 13: A Long Expected Party

1. What have been your writing-related achievements in the last year?

2. What is your favourite part of the writing process?

3. Do writers read differently from non-writers?

4. Do you have specific goals when creating a scene?

5. What kind of birthday cake would your main character/s enjoy?

6. Where is your book listed?

7. What genre are you least likely to write? Why?

8. The Hero's Journey is garbage. Discuss.

9. Do you go to book festivals?

10. Do your characters have birthdays or anniversaries during your story?"

11. Do you write old-school or digital? A mix?

12. How do you visualise a scene when writing it?

13. Do you reuse characters?

14. Do you read non-fiction, and if so, for pleasure, research or both? 

15. Name-check any Writers' Coffee Club members who've inspired you or helped you in the last year.

16. Name-check your cover artist, even if it's yourself. Share your best cover.

17. Do you agree with Somerset Maugham, who said, "There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are."

18. Do you believe the magic happens in the edit, or do you have a different approach?

19. Do you include bodily functions in your stories (do your characters poo)?

20. how do you commemorate hitting a milestone?

21. Do you ever get inspiration from dreams?

22. Would you ever pay for a review? Or have you? Do you feel it's worth it?

23. Ursula K Le Guin said that Earthsea began when she drew a map. What's your starting point?

24. How do you feel about fan fiction?

25. Are there any celebrations or festivals in your writing?

26. Did you come to writing from an avenue other than reading? (e.g. film/TV, oral storytelling, diary/memoir, music, craft, art, etc.)

27. What's the elevator pitch for your current WIP?

28. When beginning a story, which do you have a clearer idea of first, the characters or the plot? Both?

29. Tell us about a writer's block you worked through. How did you pull it off?

30. What have you achieved in your writing this month? Or were you too busy eating cake?

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