Sunday, 19 December 2021

The Curse of Lightweight Fantasy

So what is the best fantasy TV series currently available? Well, it must be the Witcher or perhaps The Wheel of Time? Large CGI budgets, entire productions based around a single star (Henry Cavill playing himself and Rosamund Pike playing the mighty expositioner) and streaming giants promoting them.

Totally wrong. In the wake of Game of Throne's gritty reality, we've been treated to 2D characters and paper-thin plots. The first series of the witcher was utterly confusing and never went anywhere. I'm supposed to care about Geralt, Yennefer and Ciri but I really don't. There's no chemistry between any of them. That's bad enough, but the Wheel of Time makes The Witcher look like Shakespeare. Tons of over-earnest exposition and a hackneyed chosen one plot which was old when they used it in The Matrix. I bailed after two episodes.

Both shows are clearly aiming for an adult audience but using young-adult tropes.

Enter  Netflix's Arcane:

Firstly Arcane is anime and the concept is based on the video game League of Legends. Let neither of these things put you off. This show is incredible. Very little exposition and some superb characters - all are 3 dimensional and helped by some excellent voice acting. The show takes no prisoners and expects you to keep up with the plot and characters - give it your time and you'll be rewarded by a fully realised world with characters you'll care about. Add to this a lesbian romance which is so natural and unforced it just isn't a thing - which is a good thing and you have the best original fantasy currently available by a country mile.

Of course, this is just my opinion, but if you disagree you're obviously wrong :-)

That's all for now.

John Howes.

Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Zero Magenta is also a Hard Cover!

It's all go at Howes Towers! Not only have I finally released Zero Magenta as a paperback it's also available as a hardcover.

Unfortunately, there is one catch. It can currently only be ordered through the French, German and Italian Amazon sites. Hopefully, KDP will make indie hardcovers available in the UK in the future.

I've ordered a proof copy which I'll share with you when I get it - probably some time in January.

That's all for now.

John Howes.

Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Zero Magenta 2nd Edition E-book and paperback now avialable!

 I learned a great deal writing my first novel and I've learned even more writing the Nifaran Chronicles (coming soon) so I decided to edit the 2nd edition of my first novel.

The new edit fixes some grammatical faux pas but also addresses many issues I've only become aware of recently - most of those stemming from the male gaze and writing characters of colour as a middle-aged white man. I'm not going to pretend I've got everything right, but I'm certainly going to try a lot harder going forward.

The 2nd edition is now available from Amazon as an e-book and a paperback (my first). I'm also hoping to release a hardcover soon.

Please let me know what you think, either here or on Twitter

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Fay Legion map teaser

 Every story has a beginning, and mine starts here...

(c) John Howes 2021

A tiny sneak peek at the main map for my second novel: Fay Legion.

More information to come. Watch this space.

Saturday, 25 September 2021

The Fantasy Opus is no more - Title reveal for my second novel

After calling it the Fantasy Opus for seven years, I can finally reveal the name of my next novel. It is the first of two parts written back-to-back. There is still some formatting and the small matter of cover art, but here is a draft mock-up of the title page...

More news coming soon.

John Howes.

Thursday, 23 September 2021

The End is Nigh

At the beginning of 2016, I started writing my fantasy opus. A story that has grown in my mind over the course of 20 years. I want it to be the best it can be so there have been multiple edits, proofreading and read-throughs.

After almost 7 years the novel (now split into two) is almost complete. There is some formatting to do, some maps to draw and cover art to commission. I'm currently targeting a release within the next six months.

I'll be releasing the name of the first book very soon.

In other news: my first book, Zero Magenta, is being edited into a second edition which will include new cover art and a paperback release.

Watch this space...