Mastodon Writers' Coffee Club Daily Challenge February 2025

   Writers' Coffee Club

February 2025

Chapter 18: Celebrate endings, for they precede new beginnings

1. Shameless self-promotion. What writing project are you working on?

2. Do you analyze structure and technique in other writer’s work?

3. Do you agree with Thomas Mann, who said, “A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.”

4. Do you ever read back your work and surprise yourself with what you’ve written?

5. Would any of your stories make good TV shows or movies?

6. Have you tried creating your own book cover designs? Share your work/attempts.

7. How Many stages of editing do you go through? What are they?

8. On a Venn diagram of your writing, what’s the common factor?

9. Tell us about a writer’s block that scuttled a project. Would you like to revisit it?

10. Who is your narrator

11. How do you market your work?

12. What percentage of your first draft ends up in the trash?

13. How do you organize your writing projects?

14. Is failing as a writer a worry? Is failure an option?

15. What’s the easiest emotion to write?

16. Is there a writer who surprised you recently

17. How do you get proofreaders/editors if you don’t pay them?

18. Do you agree with Flannery O’Connor, who said, “I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say.”

19. do some stories resonate as a call to action, like “do something like this, but in a different way” or “adapt this for the screen”?

20. How commercially minded are you? Would you object to selling a hundred thousand books?

21. Did you grow up with creative people? Artistic, crafts, writing etc?

22. Is there a book you wish you’d written?

23. What is your favourite mistake encountered when editing?

24. Do you avoid specific genres or styles?

25. Do you read outside your era, country or language?

26. Did your childhood affect the way you write / what you write?

27. Post an image which reflects the tone of your WIP.

28. Has a Writer’s Club prompt / prompt response affected how you write or inspired you?

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