Mastodon Writers' Coffee Club Daily Challenge May 2024

  Writers' Coffee Club

May 2024

Chapter 9: The Writing Duds of May

1. OMG! What happened to your MC's parents?

2. Have you had an idea halfway or more through a project that requires extensive rewriting of what you've already done?

3. Does your work include pictures, maps or other custom graphics? Share your pics.

4. What's the worst thing about being a writer?

5. Is there a certain kind of story or arc that is easier for you to write as a short story than others?

6. Have you ever copied a piece from another book or a movie as a homage to that work?

7. Do you add a copyright statement to your work? How comprehensive is it?

8. When writing technical or scientific detail, how much is plausible versus imagined?

9. What's the minimum time you can work on your writing? Do you need a long, clear period?

10. Do you know any good sources for publishing information?

11. What character have you written that's the most unlike you?

12. How do you market your work?

13. When does AI cross the line between helpful tool and problematic tech for writing and publishing?

14. Do you have a sense of how much plot you need for how long a manuscript?

15. Have you ever attended a writer's fair / festival to promote your work? Would you?

16. What's your target audience? Why?

17. Other than writing, what's your go-to creative outlet?

18. Have you written sections where the action occurs against the clock? How did you do it?

19. Do you agree with Hillary Mantell, who said the best qualities for writing are self-confidence and a little arrogance?

20. When did you first know you wanted to be a writer?

21. Do you format as you write or do that at the end?

22. If someone were to write your autobiography, who would you want to write it?

23. What gets in the way of your writing?

24. Is there any work of fiction you could have written better? Don't be shy.

25. Do you use a cover artist or design your own covers? Share your cover art.

26. Would you consider writing a guide to your work, e.g. for aspiring writers?

27. What's the ideal story length? Use any definition of length you like, not just word count.

28. Do you have advice for other writers you have yet to hear from different sources?

29. What's the average time to complete a writing project between the idea and publishing/making it available?

30. How do you achieve a sense of wonder in your stories?

31. What other hashtags inspire you on Mastodon' or similar?

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