Mastodon Writers' Coffee Club Daily Challenge April 2024

 Writers' Coffee Club

April 2024

Chapter 8: You Scumbag, You Maggot, You Cheap Lousy Rabbit

1. What's your favourite easter egg in your own work and/or another work of fiction?

2. Do you keep a journal? Would you?

3. Do you use semicolons? Correctly?

4. Do you feature real-world political and social issues in your work?

5. What's the best thing about being a writer?

6. What have you learned from past projects that you're using in your WIP?

7. Write a poem in no more than 500 characters which describes you as a writer.

8. Do you think of your books as having a particular length?

9. Do you use a dedicated proofreader, or is one provided by your publisher?

10. Do you have favourite words you like to use? What are they?

11. How effective are your newsletters in creating sales?

12. Do you reread things you wrote some time ago? How do they stand up today?

13. Which "unfilmable" novel do you think has worked best on screen?

14. Do you keep a log of incidental characters (e.g. shop assistants) or forget them once they've featured?

15. Describe your perfect writing conditions.

16. Have you ever started a chapter with a quote or poem? How do you feel about the idea?

17. What genre(s) would you be terrible at writing?

18. How important is social media in promoting your work?

19. Does weather play an essential role in your writing? In what way?

20. What genres would your work fall into if you could make up new genres? Fun answers only.

21. Do you agree with Rose Tremain, who says you shouldn't plan a book's ending; it must be earned?

22. Change one word in the first sentence of a famous novel to change its meaning.

23. What's your strangest source of writing inspiration?

24. When older novels use outdated or racist language, should they be edited for the modern world or left alone and viewed in context?

25. Do you add a message from the author to your work?

26. Do you write stand-alone stories, series or both? Which do you prefer?

27. Have you ever written a section and subconsciously plagiarised another work?

28. Do you ever picture a character as someone from real life? E.g. an actor, etc.

29. Do you share your name with other writers?

30. Are you writing to prove a point to anyone?

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