Mastodon Writers' Coffee Club Daily Challenge July 2024

    Writers' Coffee Club

July 2024

Chapter 11: Cover to Cover

Welcome Writers' Coffee Club members. For July, we're doing something a little different. From the first to the thirty-first, we'll journey through your writing WIP, from cover to cover.

Don't worry if you don't have a WIP or you don't write novels; you can still play along. If you don't have a WIP, think about a previous or next project. If you write short stories, apply the prompts to your work in any way you like. You can also discuss novels by well-known authors and how they tackle some of the issues. All are welcome.

Some prompts are pretty long this month, so you could simply add the theme to your reply, e.g., Front Cover, Title, Main Plot, etc.

Happy Wipping 😮.

1. Front Cover> Do you know what kind of cover you'd like for your WIP, or do you only know when it's finished? Share an example if you have one. For short story writers, is there an image that would go well with your work?

2. Half Title> When you complete your WIP, do you intend to have a Half Title (Bastard Page)? How do you feel about them?

3. Title> Do you have a title for your WIP or just a working title. Please share. How do you decide on a title?

4. Front Matter> Do you have standard front matter (copyright, TOC, promotion, etc.) that you'll apply to this WIP, or does it vary between projects? Share your design.

5. Font and Format> Do you have a favourite font you'll use for the WIP? How do you format the paragraphs, chapters, scene breaks, etc?

6. Prologue> Does/will your WIP have a prologue. Share a snippet if you've written one. How do you feel about prologues?

7. Structure> Do you structure your WIP into chapters/sections as you write? Do you use Epigraphs? Share the basic structure for your WIP.

8. First Line> Share the opening of your work. First line or paragraph, Your choice.

9. Chapter 1: Setting the Scene> Is your WIP's first chapter or section indicative of the whole work?

10. Chapter 1: Characters> Do we meet any significant primary or secondary characters in the first chapter of your WIP. Who are they? Share a snippet.

11. The Main Cast> Introduce your main cast of characters with just a short line for each. For Example, Sam is a test pilot who fears heights.

12. Main Plot> Do we learn the main plot within the first two chapters/short story sections/paragraphs, or is it revealed gradually throughout the work? Share an early main plot snippet.

13. Story Inspiration> What inspired you to tell the story in your WIP.

14. Setting> Where is your WIP set? Why did you choose this setting? Describe your world-building.

15. Antagonist> Does your WIP include an antagonist? If so, who is it? What's their relationship with the MC? Share a snippet.

16. Theme> Is there an overriding theme to your WIP? What is it?

17. POV> Do we experience your WIP through a particular POV, or does the focus move? Who's POV do you mainly use?

18. Main Characters Meet> Does your MC meet another significant character? Share a snippet.

19. Plot Reveal> What's the first big plot point? With or without spoilers. Share a snippet if you can.

20. Halfway>Thinking about this WIP or past works, is it going well at the halfway point, or will you need to change tack or even drop the whole project? Has this ever happened to you?

21. Tropes> What tropes are explored in your WIP? How do these apply to your characters?

22. Tone> Does your WIP contain any humour, romance or horror elements? What's the tone? Share a snippet.

23. Subplots> Does your WIP contain any subplots, perhaps between secondary characters? Share a snippet.

24. Pace> What's the mix of character, description, dialogue and action in this WIP? Is this your usual style?

25. Process> Thinking about your WIP, have you changed anything in your process from earlier work? What/how?

26. Favourite Scene> Share a snippet of a favourite scene in your WIP.

27. Denouement> Is everything tied up at the end, or are there questions remaining? Can you give us a hint/clue/cryptic clue?

28. Epilogue> Does your WIP have an Epilogue? Share a snippet. How do you feel about Epilogues?

29. Acknowledgements> Will you acknowledge anyone for this work. Who? You don't need to be too specific.

30. Rear Cover> How might you summarise your WIP for the blurb? Do you have an idea?

31. Next> Many writers have a wealth of ideas. What will you write after your WIP? Let us know.

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