Mastodon Writers' Coffee Club Daily Challenge March 2024

 Writers' Coffee Club

March 2024

Chapter 7: Five Fall Into The Multiverse

1, What inspired you to begin writing?

2. Have you ever based a character on a real person? Do they know?

3. How much of your worlds are invented versus real? Give examples.

4. Do environmental concerns feature in your work?

5. Where do you see the future of publishing in ten years' time?

6. What five things do you need to be a writer?

7. Describe an action moment you’re most proud of. Share an excerpt.

8. Do you have a favourite opening line of a book?

9. Do you invent places in your work? Are any based on real locations?

10. Do you want to write full time or are you happy for it to be a hobby/side hustle?

11. Do you ever imagine scenes in your work as if they were scenes in a movie or TV show?

12. Do you agree with Ray Bradbury, who said, "Quantity produces quality. If you only write a few things you're doomed"?

13. Do #WritersCoffeeClub, #WordWeavers or #PennedPossibilities inspire you?

14. Should you avoid sentence fragments? Or, should you. Simply not care?

15. What would one of your stories be like in an alternative universe? E.g. A Sci-Fi written as a rom-com etc.

16. How much do you edit as you write, and how much do you leave until the second draft?

17. Have you taken high school or college courses in Creative Writing? Were the classes useful?

18. Do you ever use parentheses/brackets in your writing?

19. What do you put into your coffee? Or tea? Is this a vital part of your writing routine?

20. Is there one writer whom you admire the most?

21. Do you ever regret killing a character, or the manner of their death?

22. Are there any books which should be banned, or is book banning always wrong?

23. How important is humour in your work? How do you work it in?

24. What websites do you rely on most to help you with your writing?

25. Question for unpublished authors. Do you intend to publish? What's your timeline? What holds you back?

26. In your opinion, name a book, movie or TV show where the ending spoils the story.

27. How does it feel knowing that strangers will read your work?

28. Do you prefer to write protagonist-driven stories or ensembles? Why?

29. What are your grammar rules to live by and grammar rules to break?

30. How do you keep track of your work? Do you have a system?

31. Do you work from premise to world or world to premise?

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