Thursday, 19 November 2015

Getting Nearer

I'm still targeting Christmas as the publishing date but I now need the "editor in chief" (my lovely wife Lisa!) to go through it with a fine tooth comb.

Ok so a bit about the book:

Although it falls into the genre of Science Fiction, it's very contemporary. It imagines a world very similar to today (no flying cars or teleportation etc.).

I would say it's also a story about love, loss and what it means to be human.

This is currently the Description which will go with the ebook when it appears on the Amazon Kindle store:

Artificial intelligence is a reality in the not too distant future. The giant AHS Robotic Systems Inc. has combined advanced robotics, electronics and polymer technology to create the myPAL. A robot which is capable of self-awareness and consciousness. It is virtually identical to a human in all regards.

Unfortunately the dream of a robot in every home is far from reality. At over $1,500,000 only the rich can afford these play things and can do with them as they please. Robots have no rights.

Brad and Mags live an idyllic, loving life together in London. His job as a city currency trader giving them all the trappings of luxury.

Unfortunately a series of events start to unfold around them which will cause them to confront past demons, their own place in the world, and the very nature of humanity.

In a world where artificially intelligent robots are real, what is love, hate and cruelty?

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