Saturday, 30 April 2016

Fantasy Opus - Chapter 19

It's true to say, it's taking me longer to write this one than Zero Magenta. Possibly as I'm creating a world rather than borrowing an existing one.

I've just gone through the 50,000 word mark (Zero Magenta has approx 75,000), and I'm not even a quarter into the story so this will be much larger than my first. It could even be more than one book, although it seems that fantasy must either be (a) a single book, (b) a trilogy or (c) a never ending saga that the writer never completes (Game of Thrones anyone?).

However it turns out, I'm writing the entire story in one hit. My small brain can't split it into chunks before I've completed it.

I've finally discovered another writer who writes in a similar manner. Jed Mercurio, the writer of the excellent BBC2 drama: Line of Duty, writes each episode before moving onto the next, and discovers the full story as he goes.  I think it's much more fun to discover the story unfolding as the characters do.  Of course I do have an overarching narrative, and I know where the story goes, but the details will come to me.

I tend to think in terms of key moments. I have around ten key moments in my head that lead to the end of the story. The fun starts when I join them together. I've currently created over a hundred characters, but many are merely mentioned or a just bit players. E.g. a bar maid or a farmer etc.

I've just added a female character who is likely to become one of my favorites, and contrary to the usual fantasy stereotypes, she's not a twenty five year old blonde elf with a massive chest.

There are no Elves in the story (or are there?).

That's all for now,

John H.

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