Friday, 27 October 2017

Fantasy Opus - 250K

Hi All,

The pace of writing has definitely slowed, and I've figured out why.

I'm getting close to the end now and I know exactly what happens in my own story. While there's still scope for discovery when the story is expanded into a narrative, I know where it goes so there's less for me to discover.

I've spoken to other writers who meticulously plan the entire novel from start to end, then often write it in a non-linear way (the way movies are often filmed). I would personally find that exceptionally boring. I have the entire story in my head, but I like it to bend and shape as I write it. Some characters I originally liked, have become less significant, and other's have come to the fore as I've developed their backgrounds.

I also have late ideas that change the story, which can be really fun, but as the end draws near I can see what happens to the characters, and I even know what they're going to say in around 50K words time.

While it's possible there could be a sequel, I have another couple of book ideas before I consider that:

One idea is a humorous polemic on the current state of our world. Not a novel, but something I would like to try. Not published under my real name.

The second would be a book of short stories. I have many sci-fi and fantasy story ideas, but they're not big enough to expand into a novel. Writers such as Philip K Dick and Ray Bradbury wrote many short stories. In fact it was a book by Bradbury which inspired me at school:

I hear that Hollywood is having another try at adapting Fahrenheit 451 for the big screen. A very apt choice in Trump's America. I can only aspire to be as good a writer.

Talking of inspirations: Of course Tolkien was a massive influence, but this is another series of books I read when I was at secondary school by Stephen Donaldson:

Not only did I enjoy The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, but I also loved the cover design.

That's all for now,

John Howes

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Fantasy Opus - 240K

It's taken me a long time to get to this point as (a) i needed to plan this phase (b) the sun's been out and (c)  I've been having too much fun cycling, going to festivals and enjoying time with friends.

Today it's raining, so I've written over two thousand words just this morning. It can be hard to motivate myself sometimes, but I'll see the story to its conclusion whenever that may be. This will not be by Christmas as it'll need a lot of proof reading and editing first.

I've changed my mind on a few aspects and clarified a few others.

  • The novel will be a single book, but I've had many ideas that could lead to a sequel if the reaction to the first book is good enough.
  • The cover artist will probably not be Ravven. Much as I like her work, it tends to be quite YA (young adult), and I'm going for something which is more "adult-adult". I've been looking at the work of Deranged Doctor Design, and I'm finding myself drawn to their style.
  • The actual title may have changed. I've had the same title in mind since the start, but it would lend itself better to a sequel, so the new title has come from an idea I had for the first book, when I was going to split it into three.
I've also had an idea for another book which would be more of a polemic and not published under my real name. It came out of something I say to my wife and is influenced by the current state of our world. Watch this space...

That's all for now,

John Howes.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Fantasy Opus - 220K

I'm just coming up to the 220K word mark in my fantasy novel and still wrestling with the format and cover art. Should it be a single novel or a trilogy, and should I design the cover art or engage an artist?

As the book is a single self contained story (although there are sequel possibilities), I'm starting to sway towards a single book. Especially as this makes the cover art and marketing simpler and cheaper.

I'm starting to think of using a cover artist, and my current favorite is Ravven. This is one of her works (From DeviantArt):

Her work is very striking and stands above other similar artists in my opinion.

A few more details about my "Fantasy Opus" (working title):

  • The fantasy elements are in the vein of  Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones although it's more adult than the former and less gratuitous than the latter.
  • It's definitely not YA (Young Adult) although there are plenty of interesting relationships. The characters are not all gorgeous white teenagers!
  • There are fantasy creatures from international folklore and a few of my own creation.
  • The story was inspired by (a) the few things I don't like about the Lord of the Rings, such as the lack of female characters and (b) a daydream I had about twenty years ago when I imagined a confrontation between two characters.
  • Magic has rules. I don't like stories where all problems are solved by a spell or just waving the sonic screwdriver.
  • There are a lot of characters, but that's the way I like it.
  • The final word count will be around 300K which makes it a decent sized single fantasy novel, or several short books (about the size of twilight).
I don't know when I'll finish, but I know how the story progresses and how it ends. I intend to add an Epilogue to tie up any loose ends.

Here's a poem (not in the book - probably!) which describes one of the characters.

With eye of red and heart of stone,
he smote their limbs and crushed their bone.
Though cries of terror cut the air,
he ignored their pleas wrought in despair.
"Stop!" They yelled in language unknown,
a force of darkness, so far from home.
But his blade dripped blood, spilled in hate,
as the bodies piled before the gate.

© John Howes 2017

It's not all that dark! 😇

That's all for now,


John Howes

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Fantasy Opus - 200K+

After a splurge of writing around Christmas I've not progressed the story much so far this year. This is partly due to an early edit which has seen some characters removed and a greater focus on character interaction, but also because I've had other things to do.

I've finally crossed the 200,000 word mark which means I've written more than:

  • 2 Hobbits
  • Each of the three books from Lord of the Rings
  • The first two Harry Potter books combined
I have a clear understanding of where the story goes next and how it ends, so I just need to knuckle down and finish it.

I do have a couple of other hobbies which have recently occupied some of my time. I fly Radio controlled model aircraft when the sun's out, and I'm also a gamer.

Mass Effect Andromeda has been occupying much of my time. A sprawling space opera where you explore new worlds, form alliances with disparate alien races and fight enemy's on the ground.

The game has come in for some flak as it diverges from previous games in the series and because a few aspects are lacking a little polish (facial animations). While I too have some issues with the game, and don't believe that the perfect game exists, I can appreciate the thousands of hours of work that have gone into the world building, with some spectacular results. Those people heaping derision on the game have probably never created something so unique themselves and just like to denigrate the work of others with a zero score or rants on Twitter.

This knee jerk reaction, especially to games, is counter productive as it will only discourage game developers from taking risks. Games will all become bland and derivative, and it will be our fault. I appreciate games and movies which push the boundaries or try something new, even if they're not fully successful.  Nobody sets out to create a poor game, a failed movie or a boring book.

Rant over.

Bye for now - John Howes.

Friday, 24 February 2017

Fantasy Opus - Early Edit and Cull

I've been reading through the story so far and I've decided it needs an edit, before I get to the last section of the "Fantasy Opus".

The early part of the story looks good (to me) but the later parts don't flow as well, so I've come to a difficult decision.

Firstly I need to reduce the number of main characters. There are too many minor characters who are under developed and don't have much to do. The narrative will benefit from more focus on a smaller number of key characters. Secondly, the later elements of the story need to be shaped into a better, more compelling narrative, by focusing more on character interactions.

Four characters are going.

The main story remains intact, in fact I've had some good detail ideas for the final chapters. Some of it will require a lot of action, which I'll need to storyboard.

I think my December 2017 goal is looking unlikely, as I want to publish the best that I can do.

⟳ Update 04-03-17:

I'm currently part way through some early editing. Although I've removed four minor characters I've also added over a thousand more words, which gives you some idea of the kind of editing. I decided too much of the story was "show" rather than "tell" which doesn't allow the reader to engage as easily. I'm adding more dialogue, and removing some of the character thoughts to allow the reader to peace the story together themselves.

Bye for now,

John Howes.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Fantasy Opus - 190,820 Words

A while back I started measuring my progress against the word count of other well known fantasy novels. I've now written 190,820 (unedited) words, which is more than Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire. In fact it's more than the first two Harry Potter books combined.

I don't have a specific word count in mind, although I expect the final count will be around 300K which is just over 3 Hobbits!

Even after I've finished and edited the novel (which I'm pretty sure will be split into three) I'll need to:

  • Design three sets of cover art (and probably a cover for the complete works).
  • Create a map
  • Format the novel for the Kindle store
  • Format the novel for paperback
  • Get some Fantasy Bloggers to review it
  • Promote it through social media
  • Organize a "Click" advertising campaign.
I have no expectations for the work, but it's the biggest story I've ever held in my head, and it'll be a relief to get the entire narrative down in print.

I've spent much of today just trying to come up with a name for a new character, that hasn't already been used by another fantasy author. Accidental plagiarism is a nightmare. My story originally had a region accidentally named the same as a region in the Lord of the Rings. It means I need to do a web search for every single name.

So I now need to write at least 10K words a month to complete the story by the end of 2017. It's a tall order and I'm currently unsure I'll make it.

Bye for now...

John Howes

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Fantasy Opus - Half a block & What's wrong with a Red LED?

Hi there!

I'm now 185,000 words into my "Fantasy Opus" and I've got a touch of writer's block (well maybe half a block). I need to join several story sections together in a way which both explains to the reader what the heck is going on (and where we are on the map), but it also needs to introduce new characters and be entertaining in it's own right.

I've rewritten it three times now and I'm still not happy with it. Part of me wants to leave it and come back to it in the edit, but that's not the way I've written the rest. I often struggle to decide how much to describe e.g. "Everyone went to the nightclub, had a great time, and arrived home at midnight" or how much to detail, including all the character interactions.  I normally prefer the latter, but it can make simple parts of the story, quite long.

I'm hoping the fourth rewrite sorts it out. I had a better idea when I woke this morning!

What's wrong with a Red LED?

Something that I was musing with my wife last night.

Back in the 70's when LED lights first started to appear in all our consumer electronics, they were mostly red (the gallium arsenide was easier and cheaper to produce than other semiconductor materials) and they quickly became the staple of every hi-fi and TV power button. Later joined by Green, Orange and Yellow, it was still the Red LED that served as the colour of "Power". Our Bedroom TV still has a Red LED.

But now? It seems the power LED is no longer required to just show you that the device is switched on, it has a secondary purpose:

Illuminating the Entire Room!

The White LED on our Amazon Fire TV box is so bright that it scorches the back of your retina, The Bright blue LED's in our home Hub Illuminate the whole street and the white beast on this laptop is so garish, that I have to hide the computer under a cabinet so I can sleep!

When blue and white LED's first arrived in the 90's they were obviously a big deal, but I think we're over it now. ENOUGH with the over bright power lights.

Bring back the Red LED. You're time has come once more!

Enough ranting for now. Back to the story...

John Howes.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Fantasy Opus - Cover Experiments

I'm currently at 173K words and I felt like a break, so I've been experimenting with cover art. I'm not a Photoshop expert, or even a novice, but with the help of you-tube and some trial and error I managed to create this in around an hour and a half.

I'm quite pleased as a first trial, but the finished article will look nothing like this. It was created from three separate images which i downloaded from the excellent free resource:

The text isn't really a good font and I rushed it a bit, so the real deal should be much slicker.

Even though the woman's image is a graphic art vector image (by DeeDee51), I quite like it, and it does actually fit the tone of the novel. I intend to use some professional stock images for the finished book (or books - I still can't decide whether it should be a trilogy or a single work),

Oh and don't forget: "Fantasy Opus" is just the working title. I do have a title in mind, and also a title for the first two books (if it's a trilogy).

Cheers for now.

John Howes.

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Fantasy Opus - In a dark place

After a splurge through Christmas I hurt my back recently, giving me more quiet time to do some writing (I'm better now thanks!). The upshot is that I've now passed 170K words meaning I've written more than the first two harry potter novels or Ready Player One, the novel that inspired me to write Zero Magenta.

I've reached a pretty dark section of the story where it becomes clear what our heroes are up against. I like to keep a sense of fun close to most sections, but sometimes it just doesn't fit. I've also just introduced a mythical creature to the story which will have a great significance later.

On other front's I'm wrestling with ideas for cover design. I still intend to try doing my own, but If it doesn't turn out good enough I'll be using a professional cover artist. I've chosen a suitable artist, which I'm keeping in reserve.

The book, or books, will also be published in paperback. Something I may do with Zero Magenta first to experiment with the medium.

And finally: I've been looking at Map creation. I'm currently using a pencil drawn map that I can easily change as the story develops. I'm going to need to digitize this so I've been looking at ways to do this. The best I've seen so far is a website by Peter Brodt. So I've dusted off my old flatbed scanner and I'll be doing some experiments soon.

One of Peter Brodt's excellent maps:

Map linked from:

That's all for now,

John Howes