Saturday, 11 February 2017

Fantasy Opus - Half a block & What's wrong with a Red LED?

Hi there!

I'm now 185,000 words into my "Fantasy Opus" and I've got a touch of writer's block (well maybe half a block). I need to join several story sections together in a way which both explains to the reader what the heck is going on (and where we are on the map), but it also needs to introduce new characters and be entertaining in it's own right.

I've rewritten it three times now and I'm still not happy with it. Part of me wants to leave it and come back to it in the edit, but that's not the way I've written the rest. I often struggle to decide how much to describe e.g. "Everyone went to the nightclub, had a great time, and arrived home at midnight" or how much to detail, including all the character interactions.  I normally prefer the latter, but it can make simple parts of the story, quite long.

I'm hoping the fourth rewrite sorts it out. I had a better idea when I woke this morning!

What's wrong with a Red LED?

Something that I was musing with my wife last night.

Back in the 70's when LED lights first started to appear in all our consumer electronics, they were mostly red (the gallium arsenide was easier and cheaper to produce than other semiconductor materials) and they quickly became the staple of every hi-fi and TV power button. Later joined by Green, Orange and Yellow, it was still the Red LED that served as the colour of "Power". Our Bedroom TV still has a Red LED.

But now? It seems the power LED is no longer required to just show you that the device is switched on, it has a secondary purpose:

Illuminating the Entire Room!

The White LED on our Amazon Fire TV box is so bright that it scorches the back of your retina, The Bright blue LED's in our home Hub Illuminate the whole street and the white beast on this laptop is so garish, that I have to hide the computer under a cabinet so I can sleep!

When blue and white LED's first arrived in the 90's they were obviously a big deal, but I think we're over it now. ENOUGH with the over bright power lights.

Bring back the Red LED. You're time has come once more!

Enough ranting for now. Back to the story...

John Howes.

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